

# Mei programming language

My hobby functional programming language inspired by Haskell.

# Unholy programming language

A stack-based array programming language inspired by K, BQN, Uiua and Joy.

# yebi.su

True random service kinda random.org, but crappy - uses webcams instead of athmospheric noise as a source of randomness. Named after some shinto god.
Click here (yebi.su) to open.

# Sylvy

A simple web-based CAS (computer algebra system). Can do basic calculations, solve equations, simplify various expressions and draw 3-/2-dimensional plots.

It is located at sylvy.txlyre.website.

# Foxgirls!

Underground (?) self-hosted booru-like imageboard dedicated for foxgirls.

You can access it via:

# Pixels

A public canvas where you can draw pixel-by-pixel (a cheap alternative to something like pxls.space, r/place et cetera...).

Click here to open!

# Álláma / álya Állánë (conlang)

My old artlang. Also one of my most well-developed conlangs.

# Ўуґуша моўа / Wuguša mowa (conlang)

JFF slavic language derived from Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Polish.

# Inlanga (conlang)

Yet another useless, needless and primitive IAL (i.e. International Auxiliary Language) inspired by Esperanto, Ido and Lidepla.

Yet alia utililes, opus-les et primitiva IAL (ti e Internaca Auxiliara Langa) inspiriney bay Esperanto, Ido et Lidepla.

# MinL (conlang)

A relatively minimalistic language inspired by Toki Pona (strictly speaking, it's a Toki Pona reimagination).
My goal was create a funny, easy-to-use and tiny language. I think that MinL matches these conditions almost completely...

# Denáth (conlang)

A posteriori language made upon of Gaulish, Celtic and Welsh languages.

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