Phonology & orthography

a - /a/
e - /e/
o - /o/
u - /u/
i - /i~j/
p - /p/
k - /k/
n - /n/
m - /m/
t - /t/
s - /s/
w - /w/
l - /l/


((V|(VV))?(CV(i|o)?)+n?) | (V+n?)


kisu li kuso li pulu e topu supa toka li laki – A quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.





There're a particle e that separates subject and the verb and a particle o that follows the object of a transitive verb.
e.g. mi e tana o kali – I give a fruit.
Sometimes these particles are unnecessary:
mi amo tu – I love you (e and o are dropped because both subject and object are pronouns).

The particle li is used to separate a noun and an adjective (a.k.a. descriptive) or a verb and an adverb.
e.g. mi motu o kali li poki – I have a big fruit.

Compound sentences are made by stacking the e or o particles together:
mi maki e milu – I eat and look;
mi milu o koto o tu – I see a cat and you;
koto li poki li uwu – The cat is big and cute;

The particle la is used to quote borrowed words and names:
e.g. mi no nami a la lila – My name is Rira.

To turn a verb into its infitive form use the le particle:
le kuki a pai – Cooking is amazing.

You can explicitly convert a word into a noun:
mu paka – An idiot.

Several words put together create a new meaning:
mono tana – A car;
koto tu – Your cat (cf. tu no koto).


Particle a is a copula.
e.g. koto so a poki – This cat is big;
e.g. kali a – There's a fruit.


We have two ways to negate something:
mi nai motu o koto – I don't have a cat (notice that the e particle is omitted);
mi motu o ana koto – I have an anti-cat (a dog maybe?).


Markers are special particles that perform the role of prepositions and grammarical cases in the other languages.
