S - syllable, Sl - syllable with a long vowel, St - syllable with a tonal vowel, 'S - stressed syllable.
Direction: left -> right, down -> up.
alvia êmeinalë - I have a cat.
alvia emen êhályein - I don't have a cat. (Formal register)
alvia nêmeinalë - I don't have a cat.
elessë êtta - I'm going home.
atius rêilenasan telaten énë - They two have written a letter to their friends.
á âpeleinan! - Don't do it!
âpelien purin - Do it good.
wâtólmestein Állámanan? - Do you speak Allane?
acló têtorso rûcarasan atel Þu Tan as ûstos ia aclol ciryan tulen - Zhu Dan shot the king's shoulder, but the king was still able to lead his army.
síra âquaþein? - What is your name? (lit. You named as what?)
ôisunca - It's raining.
ír elental? - Where are their houses?
së nesehó – atálán úma - To be, or not to be. That's question
tyú âyántein? - How are you?
tyú él? - How are you? (common speech variant)
is âilóra elel? - Why is the house running away?
savë! satyurein! êtyuras! - Hello – familiar, formal, more formal
þánákë íssan hyúnittánétyu - I am interested in your opinion.
centelesë êilcunein ruinelas e fallesë ettelútinan túlcátinanea, quéssá þélonea têisinanar, êiþáritullein quanin.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
il âituleinar Elályal Íha,
il âimemeinar Elályal Íha,
sóvé âinélheinar Elályal Íha,
âisálcáleinarea Málallë.
One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all
And in the Darkness bind them.
íkuqual sûlmas tullon,
êlintein Cioto mélassë,
amár éa í Cioto mélallë.
(a hokku by Matsuo Bashō)
-s- - BE-verb
-t- - EXIST-verb
-llét- - BE.LOC-verb
-(á)ttán- - DEF: definitive article
-ellánt- - iterative aspect
-itull- - jussive
shá(ly)- - already
-esan- - probably ...
-ehyár- - Opinion mood: to have an opinion that ...
-úss- - Uncertain mood: to don't be sure that ...
-ályél- - Sudden mood: suddenly ...
-ontál- - Potential mood: maybe ...
-úllúr- - Happy mood: to be happy to ...
-asal- - to let/allow to ...
-intel- - to want to ...
-ilént- - to have to ...
-ály- - to should have to ...
-est- - to be able to ...
-opént- - to should to ...
-esér- - to know how to do ...
-alhár- - to be ought to ...
-ittél- - to «shall» ...; to «must» ...
-útyét- - ... going to ...
-átten- - -ism
-epók- - semi-
-éruin- - -er (person)
-ályít- - to get something to ...; to force something to ...; to make something/somebody to ...
-isás- - DIM (diminutive)
-ólyán- - anti-
-áttés- - pro-
-úning- - -ish
-úllis- - mis-
-inúri- - result of ...
-éllesí- - -hood, -ship
-íþeni- - capable of
-ás- - -ing (repeating action)
-ásses- - -er (tool / instrument)
-ánál- - -land; land of ...
-úntil- - dis-
-úþúnt- - sarcasm marker
-úsus- - un-; undo (for verbs)
-énás- - un-; not (for nouns and descriptives)
-áhyint- - de-; out of ...
-akál- - re-; again ...
any(á)- - very (emphatic particle for descriptives)
-ólhén- - -inary/-imal
-áþál- - plant bearing ...
-áþúhy- - place where ...
-úllúr- - mono-
-étsál- - -less
-úppin- - container, holder for, -pod, -pot
-áþer- - a member of
-éfés- - a part/piece of
-irél- - reciprocal voice
-éllin- - -like
-(ny)álë- - descriptivisation, -ed
-itiéli- - feminization
-átte- - nominalizer (doesn't create a new meaning)
-áhyni- - nominalizer, -ing (creates a new meaning)
-(hy)álvú- - insult suffix
-(t)áhyá(l)- - despicable/pejorative suffix
-(h)úntú(ly)- - admonitive mood
-(ny)álytú- - -ful (forms a descriptive)
-(ú)nten- - common verbalisation
Infinitive: së
Proximal: ú/-(a)më
Distal: iú/-(a)në
Proximal.D: énet/-(e)net
Distal.D: iér/-(i)ér
Proximal.P: ié/-(i)élya
Distal.P: iún/-(i)ún
1S+2S: tiri
1S+3S: elyë
2S+3S: nil
1S: í
2S: é
2S.F: ul
2S (polite form): ear
3S: én
3S.F: sá
3S.INAN: lé
1D: ní
2D: tu
2D.F: úr
2D (polite form): ealúr
3D: énë
3D.F: sa
3D.INAN: let
1P: llá
2P: tyé
2P (polite form): eallé
3P: wé
4: tá
all; everybody: il
everything: sóvé
nothing: livá
nobody: nyéli
each; every: állya
this: úma; -(l)úmá
that: iúma; -(l)iúmá
this; it (noun): lén
that (noun): lún
these two: énema
those two: iérama
these: iéma
those: iúnama
what: er
who: lír
what/which: síra
where: ír
which one: nyólí
how: tyú
something: misë
somebody; someome: nólva
how much; how many: lónni
why: is
there: ámë
here: síva
yon: lúþi
myself: lhí
yourself: ólí
himself: þí
ourselves: ólví
yourselves: ólvarí
themselves: tyárí
All adjectives end in [a] or [e].
Sg. / Du. / Pl. / Cl.
Super-degree (>): râ-
Sub-degree (<): rû-
Equal-degree (=): vô-
Max-degree: (the ...-est): mô-
Negative max-degree: (the non-...-est): nyê-
Adverb: -in
Sg. / Du. / Pl. / Cl.
Abs. (transitive patient or intrasitive agent) - -Ø/-r/-nt/-s
Erg. (transitive agent) - -l/-lar/-lat/-las
Dat. (to/for) - -n/-[e]in/-të/-së
Gen. (of) - the last vowel becomes long, but short if it's already long/-ron/-ton/-tos
Pos. ('s/of) - -(n)i/-(n)ir/-(n)int/-(n)is
Ins. (by/with/using) - -nan/-linan/-tinan/-në
All. (to/in) - -ssë/-nnar/-nnat/-nnas
Abl. (from) - ê- -r/ê- -n/ê- -t/ê- -s
Loc. (at/in) - -llë/-llan/-llet/-lles
Ade/Sup. (on) - â- -r/â- -res/â- -ret/â- -rus
Sup. II (above) - ê- -l/ê- -r/ê- -nt/ê- -s
Sub. (under) - ês-/ês- -r/ês- -t/ês- -s
Ill. (into) - êt-/êt- -r/êt- -t/êt- -s
Ine. (inside) - -lyél/-lyér/-lyét/-lyés
Ela. (from inside of) - êl-/êl- -r/êl- -t/êl- -s
Per. (through/along) - ât-/ât- -r/ât- -t/ât- -s
Pro. (by way of/through) - ât- -nis/ât- -ris/ât- -tis/êl- -s
Cnt. (against) - ît-/ît- -r/ît- -t/ît- -s
Con. (with) - ûs-/ûs- -r/ûs- -t/ûs- -s
Inc. (without) - ôt-/ôt- -r/ôt- -t/ôt- -s
Abi. (in front of) - ôs-/ôs- -r/ôs- -t/ôs- -s
Ben. (to/for) - -ssan/-ssar/-sset/-lis
Sem. (like as/as) - -va/-var/-van/-vier
Tem. (at time) - -llon/-llor/-llont/-llos
Cau. (due/because) - -nna/-livar/-lint/-livas
Voc. (vocation) - îs-/îs- -r/îs- -nt/îs- -s
Sg. / Du. / Pl. / Cl.
Abs. - -Ø/-ar/-ant/-as
Erg. - -al/-alar/-alat/-alas
Dat. - -an/-a[e]in/-atë/-asë
Gen. - -ál/-aron/-aton/-atos
Pos. - -i/-ir/-int/-is
Ins. - -anan/-alinan/-atinan/-anë
All. - -assë/-annar/-annat/-annas
Abl. - ê- -ar/ê- -an/ê- -at/ê- -as
Loc. - -allë/-allan/-allet/-alles
Ade/Sup. - â- -ar/â- -ares/â- -aret/â- -arus
Sup. II - ê- -al/ê- -ar/ê- -ant/ê- -as
Sub. - ês-/ês- -ar/ês- -at/ês- -as
Ill. - êt-/êt- -ar/êt- -at/êt- -as
Ine. - -alyél/-alyér/-alyét/-alyés
Ela. - êl-/êl- -ar/êl- -at/êl- -as
Per. - ât-/ât- -ar/ât- -at/ât- -as
Pro. - ât- -anis/ât- -aris/ât- -atis/êl- -as
Cnt. - ît-/ît- -ar/ît- -at/ît- -as
Con. - ûs-/ûs- -ar/ûs- -at/ûs- -as
Inc. - ôt-/ôt- -ar/ôt- -at/ôt- -as
Abi. - ôs-/ôs- -ar/ôs- -at/ôs- -as
Ben. - -assan/-assar/-asset/-is
Sem. - -ava/-avar/-avan/-avier
Tem. - -allon/-allor/-allont/-allos
Cau. - -enna/-alivar/-alint/-alivas
Voc. - ût-/ût- -ar/îs- -ant/îs- -as
All verbs should end in the -en postfix.
1S: ê-
2S: â-
3S: û-
3S.INAN: âi-
1P/D: ô-
2P/D: î-
3P/D: êi-
4: îo-
1S: -(a)m
2S: -(a)s
3S: -(a)lë
3S.INAN: -(a)n
1P/D: -(a)lyë
2P/D: -(a)t
3P/D: -(a)r
4: -(ei)ti
Conditional: -ám
Present: -ein
Progressive: -a
Past: -os
Future: -ë
Imperfect: -i
Habitual: -ól
Passive habitual: -ú
Passive imperfect: -ir
Passive present: -er
Passive progressive: -an
Passive past: t- -us
Passive future: t- -ena
Future progressive: s- -o
Passive future progressive: t- -o
Perfect: s- -as
Imperative: -ië
Admonitive: -ia
Prohibitive: -iú
Gerund: s(a)- -ein
Present participle: r- -is
Past participle: r- -os
Passive present participle: s- -us
Passive past participle: t- -an
Interrogative illocution: w(a)-
áe – minus, e.g. télsanë áe - -15.
pó - dot, e.g. síli pó hyétélsákatésí - 2.572.
-to(n) – fraction, e.g. þélyé viloton OR þetolor - 3/4.
télcá nítosísea (or even tosísea) - 7 1/2.
tei / -tei - 0
íha / ní- -ha - 1
síli / se- -sí - 2
þélyé / þe- -lyé - 3
vilo / vi- -lor - 4
hyélë / hyé- -he - 5
hlúni / hlú- -ne - 6
télcá / té- -lá - 7
þlú / þlé- -lú - 8
nesta / ne- -ta - 9
télsa - 10
télsáka - 100
télsála - 1 000
túlna - 10 000
ténésa - 100 000
tetyá - 1 000 000
nísíli / télsasí - 12;
sevilo / setélsalor - 24;
þehyélë / þetélsahe - 35;
hlúþélyé / hlútélsalyé - 63;
sílitei / vitélsa - 20;
þlútélsáka - 800;
þlútélsákaté - 870;
þlútélsákalá - 807;
þlútélsákatétélca / þlútélsákatélá - 877;
hyétélsála þlútélsákatétélca - 5 877.